Issue Position: Education

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2014

EDUCATION must be Arizona's number one priority, or we will wind up in the same place 100 years from now. This website and Mealer Initiative 2014 explain how we can fund education and repair our great state. Enjoy the experience.

Large industries are attracted to well educated adults.

Simple- A larger tax base (more businesses, much higher paying jobs, and new Arizona industry), less Arizonans requiring assistance, more spending, lower taxes, no income tax and we have more taxes flowing into the state. Then we get to work on realistic budgets and reviving our great state.

Teachers deserve a huge pay increase. Schools must be allotted more funds to better teach our children who will attract larger industry to the state. In my opinion, school boards and administrators making six figure incomes are a disgrace to the public school system. I'd like to see local communities end the glorified and overpaid secretarial positions of board regents and administration in our school system. Hopefully, they will see where the waste is going to and listen to the parents of the under educated children.

President Obama's Common Core is the same as President push's No Child Left Behind is totally skewed and very destructive to our education system by teaching to the test, simply to prepare students for what I consider to be an indoctrinated college system. The top students are punished because of slower students and teachers who cannot maintain standards.

Recently, the term differentiated instruction was brought to my attention by a very qualified dual Ph.D underpaid teacher, rancher and a "real person" (who I have yet to be allowed to relinquish her name), and I realize that this is what I have been trying to explain. Arizona is diverse, our children learn at different rates. This must be accounted for with all teacher-student based bonuses. We should cater to the student's strengths and interests, and get them hooked on the learning and quite possibly help them develop new strengths and skills to help themselves learn and retain their new found knowledge. This should not be a political position -- just good teaching practices

I strongly urge teaching students from Kindergarten through their 14th year (associate degrees) if they so choose. Oftentimes, our youth need those extra couple years of career orientation to decide the path they will take or they wind up severely struggling like we have been doing for the past 100 years. With our new growth of Arizona Industry, the students may very well be picked up by the various companies in paid internships and give the education required to make it in the real world… At the company's expense. Incentive? Land lease or tax breaks, of course.

No education system can exist without funding, but Arizona will refuse Federal Funds and refute Common Core simplistic "dis" education.

We can do better here at home.

We want our Liberty back. We're not asking.

We want our children's future secured… Again, we're not asking.
